The Four Lanes Formula

How it Works!

We help personalise your education, guiding you on your path to reaching your goal in tech - whatever that may be - through portfolio building, career support & hands-on mentoring.

We find and use the best free resources online

We don't duplicate what's already out there. Our job is to find the best learning resources so you don't have to.

Then, we make your learning path fit your career goals, like becoming a Frontend or Backend Developer and more.

Person Using Laptop Computer

We empower growth with hands-on mentorship

Our curated learning resources are great, and help keep your costs low - but they won't help you when you're stuck.

That's where we come in.

Rely on our coaches and mentors to map your journey, remove obstacles, give expert reviews, validate an idea or an approach, or just to share wisdom on a career in tech.

Two developers helping each other out

Build & showoff your best work

Apply what you learn to hands-on projects that enhance your professional portfolio.

Choose from our recommended projects, or build your own.

Build and refine your professional portfolio with expert guidance from our mentors.

Do Something Great Neon Sign

Get help and support from your peers

The Four Lanes community is a friendly space where you can ask for help, share your code, get career advice, and meet like-minded people.

Join Our Discord

Three Ladies Smiling Around a Laptop

Career Preparation

Career support and soft skills training, including resume building, interview preparation, and job search strategies, ensure that you are ready for the job market and possess the skills to excel in tech interviews and negotiations.

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Affordable Learning

We provide high-quality education at a low cost by using the best free online resources and automating where we can.

This allows us to focus on delivering personalised support and facilitates our flexible pricing model where you only pay for the value you receive - our time!

What You Pay For:

You only pay for any consultation that requires the direct involvement of our coaches/mentors. This is usually in the form of:

  • Code reviews
  • One-on-one or group sessions with our mentors
  • Resume reviews
  • Mock interviews

Most of these are bundled in our pricing packages, but can also be purchased as needed.

Don't waste time on irrelevant material.

Tell us your tech aspirations, and we'll craft the perfect roadmap to get you there.

Get a Free Consultation Today!